There are many factors that bear discussion when considering a fine art photograph’s place in the art world. Critics and scholars will often look at three compelling factors.
One is the image itself. How is composed? What subtleties and nuances bear further discussion? What do we feel when we gaze at it?
Next, are its technical attributes. As photography is an evolving art form, what processes and techniques were employed here? How did the artist work with the constraints and parameters of the medium to craft the image? And how is the final print produced? One should always look for the highest quality of finished print when considering a purchase.
And last is its historical perspective. Where does the image live in history? Is its value in a record of some time and place? Is it a moment in the evolution of the artist’s body of work?
If you are considering buying a fine art photograph one last factor should be at the top after all the others have passed the test. Is this an image you would be proud to display in your home?
Fine art consultants cannot emphasize enough picking an image that has meaning to buyer. For the art photography collector and Bruce Springsteen fan, rare photos of Bruce Springsteen are a fit. And one should never discount the investment value. Many Bruce Springsteen photos have more than tripled in value since their initial limited editions have been offered.
Bruce Springsteen, Cambridge, MA May 1974